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Showing results 8307 to 8326 of 13312 < previous   next >
2018On the lasso regression and asymmetric laplace distribution with applicationsShi, Yue
2002On the mixture models in survival analysis with competing risks and covariatesChoi, Kai-chow
2023On the modelling of high dimensional time seriesChung, Kam Hin
2010On the mutual force excitations among machines assembly and their influence on the overall vibration insulation efficiencyChow, Ho-pan
2020On the proposal generation and overfitting for CNN based single object trackingYang, Lingxiao
2006On the restoration and formation of color-quantized imagesFung, Yik-hing
2021On the robustness of behavioural circuit design : from fault-tolerance to hardware securityBalachandran, Anjana
2018On the study of the effect of building and road canyon geometry on thermal comfortFu, Qi
2009On the syntax of non-verbal predication in Mandarin ChineseZhang, Qingwen
2020On the use of 3D convolutional neural network for Alzheimer's disease diagnosisGuo, Chen
2016On the value of demand information disseminationHao, Zhongyuan
1999On-line performance evaluation of balancing variable flow secondary chilled water loopChan, Kin-hung
2000On-line recognition of digits and alphabetsTsang, Chi-hang Peter
1998On-line signature verificationTong, Wing-him Eric
2000An on-line two-dimensional error measurement system for forecasting and compensation control of turning operationsChan, Foon-ming
1999On-road emissions and fuel consumption analysis of gasoline vehiclesSo, Che-hong Wilson
2017On-road feature detection and data dissemination in vehicular ad-hoc networksWang, Yuhao
2011On-site environmental study for public residential buildings in Hong KongTsang, Hon-wai
2019On-site renewable systems to enhance the energy performance of the net-zero emission hotel building integrated with electrical shuttle busesZhu, Ruixuan
2015On-time delivery probabilistic models for stochastic vehicle routing problemsZhang, Junlong