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Showing results 53 to 72 of 261 < previous   next >
2015Effects of information characteristics in a social media context on travellers' perceived decision-making speed and confidence : an exploratory study from the perspective of human information processingMa, Caiwei
2014The effects of psychographics on behavioral intention : a study of Mainland Chinese leisure tourists to TaiwanHsueh, Ching Tsu Amy
2018Enhancing destination image and competitiveness : a tourism planning approachBu, Nai Peng
2015Enhancing destination marketing by smartphone applications in national tourism organizations : the cases of Hong Kong and South KoreaKim, Hyun Hee
2018Environmental concerns : a study of hospitality and tourism students' low carbon dining intentionChan, Wai Kei
2023ESG (environment, social, governance) scale development for integrated resorts : focus on the perceptions of residents regarding sustainabilityLee, Donghwa
2018Evaluating the website functionality performance of convention and exhibition centerTan, Xiuchang
2019An examination of hotel revenue management implementation and practices in ChinaTian, Sen Simon
2019The examination of structural relationships among online advertising design factors and the degree of co-creation in wellness tourism contextPongwat, Arunotai
2020Examining hotel’s adoption of mobile payment in Hong KongChan, Chun Fai
2016The experience of pilgrimage tourists : a case of the Dajia Mazu Patrol and PilgrimageChang, Ya-ping Angela
2022An exploratory study of corporate universities in the hotel industry in greater ChinaYue, Hui Min
2014Exploring ambiguity and competence in the context of ECRM system in Hong Kong hotelsTsui, Chun Man Bruce
2014Exploring Chinese customer experience with budget hotelsRen, Lianping
2016Exploring employee turnover reasons of sales people working in upper up-scale hotels in ChinaYeung, Andy
2018Exploring hospitality and tourism learners' perceptions and expectations of MOOCs among different levels of study in higher educationKong, Pui-keung Anthony
2022Exploring the critical factors and underlying mechanisms making up hotels’ display orders on Chinese leading online travel agency platforms’ city listing pageQi, Wenqian
2016Exploring the role of interpretative planning in the adaptive re-use and "revitalization" of urban heritage sites in Hong KongWhite, Chris
2019Factors affecting adotion intention of airline crisis communication with a mobile application by airline passengersTalawanich, Suwadee
2023The factors influencing Chinese customers’ joining and maintaining decisions on international hotel loyalty programLiang, Yiqiong