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Showing results 190 to 209 of 352 < previous   next >
2018Unbundling institutional determinants of innovationChen, Qing
2019Understanding the high leverage of China's listed companiesFung, So Ching Jenny
2015Understanding the influences of espoused cultural values and faith-in-others on electricity savingKoon, Wai-chee Olivia
2013The "unreal" estate : how does investor sentiment predict the future "real" estate returns of residential property in Hong Kong?Lam, Hei Ling Charles
2015"We" like fair trade products more than "I"? : The impact of self-construal on consumer reactions to fair trade productsSo, Pui Sai Patricia
2016Wealth transfer effect revisited : evidence from stock and CDS market reactions to share repurchaseJim, Wai Kee
2022What’s in a forced CEO turnover announcement? The cut loss hypothesis on option implied volatilityYiu, Wing Him
2019When nurses' moods affect their voice behavior toward managementCheung, Fat Kwong Lawrence
2022Why do neobanks prosper more in some countries than in others?Xu, Wenjie
2017Why have many US-listed Chinese firms recently announced to go private?Wong, Owen
2022Will workplace exercise improve the well-being of security guards? : a field experiment intervention examining the implementation of SDT and JD-R models to promote workplace exerciseWong, Cho Yuk
2023Winning the war for talent : benefits of gratitude intervention and its limitationsHo, King Man
2019“一带一路” 倡议下职业人才培养的研究黄利元; Huang, Liyuan
2016一朝天子一朝臣 : 下属逢迎行为能否促进与新领导的关系以及获得新领导更高评价并升迁?秦帅; Qin, Shuai
2021一致性评价政策对中国医药上市公司创新绩效的影响研究张英杰; Zhang, Yingjie
2016不确定情境下的助人行为研究 : 以顺风车为例王永; Wang, Yong
2019专业技术人员离职意向影响因素分析:一项多层次追踪研究李刚; Li, Gang
2019个体成员外部学习对于团队绩效的影响机制研究: 团队学习和内部知识扩散的视角赵刚志; Zhao, Gangzhi
2016中国A股上市公司并购折价溢价率及其影响因素实证研究施小波; Shi, Xiaobo
2014中国上市国企和民企投资行为和投资效率比较研究刘朝斌; Liu, Chaobin