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Showing results 1081 to 1100 of 13315 < previous   next >
1998Cache consistency management in mobile distributed environmentChan, Yat-leong Boris
2007CAD technology for clothing biomechanical engineering designWang, Ruomei
2015Cadastral geodatabase design considering vertical and temporal dimension and city visualization in CityEngineXie, Fei
2021Calculus of Kurdyka-Lojasiewicz exponents and its applications in the analysis of first-order methodsYu, Peiran
2021The calibration of high-speed ludwieg tube wind tunnel and experimental investigation of high-speed boundary layer transition on a flat plateChen, Siyu
2013Calibration of mechanistic-empirical bituminous pavement designLi, Xueying
1998Call admission control for video sources in ATM networks using neural networksChan, Wing-tsun
2012Call centre communication : an analysis of interpersonal meaningWan, Yau Ni
2023Camping experiences in Hong Kong : evidence of value co-creationKam, Sun
2009CAMPUS : a middleware for automated context-aware adaptation decisions at run-timeWei, Jingyuan
2015A campus navigation and enquiry system based on jQuery mobileHuang, Wenjie
2013Campus Query and Navigation SystemHuang, Qiaofen
2007Can acu-TENS improve quality of sleep?Fong, Ka-chun.
2021Can amount of information and information presentation reduce choice overload? An empirical study of online hotel bookingGuo, Rui
2022Can central bank digital currency achieve the optimal negative interest rate policy?Lee, Yuen Hung Kevin
2017Can corporate social responsibilities drive customer and employee citizenship behaviours : its mediating mechanism and the boundary condition of customer participationChu, Buston
2023Can emotional solidarity bury the hatchet of tourist stereotypes? Exploring the power of host-tourist interaction from a new perspectiveTan, Guoxiong
2008Can fund managers time the market and achieve superior risk adjusted returns? Evidence from different categories of Hong Kong equity fundsFong, Chi Wah
2001Can home based resistance training improve perceived and functional abilities for community dwelling elders?Lai, Chung-biu
2014Can identification with a corporate brand motivate employees in the service industrySenecal, Julie